This week’s podcast episode is unique, featuring the majority of a talk my neighbor, Aaron McCoy, gave via zoom to a group of my friends & I this summer surrounding the topic of racism. We reached out Aaron when feeling like we needed more stories & space to process this issue alongside someone who has personal experience with it…& he delivered, in a talk he titled, “To the White Catholic: It’s Time to Get Uncomfortable”.
Aaron melds together his firsthand experiences of racism within the church & within our country, a healing experience of conversion, & his knowledge of theology (as a Master) to inform our community on this issue & specifically how he feels Catholics should respond. He also graciously allowed us to pick his brain through q&a….and I couldn’t help but share his words this week. ENJOY.
Shortened/modified podcast episode available anywhere under “I Choose Grit”, while the youtube version of original talk & presentation in FULL is included below. Geared towards a specifically Catholic audience….but so worth hearing for all.
Podcast/ shortened version: