Some of you know this, and some may not (because it’s maybe been a bit since I’ve been here)– but apparently if you send a girl to Lourdes, she’ll come back ready to start her own therapy practice?

I’ll be honest, even moreso than feeling disappointment myself, part of me actually felt disappointing to others when I came back from Lourdes, a place of actual healing miracles…. with the same old Migraine. And yet, this whole experience led me to dig a little deeper about what actual miracles look like. The longer I’m home, the more I understand there is one clear way I know this summer changed me, in the ways I came to find I’m a whole lot stronger than I thought I was. In more ways than one.

Largely due to the ways I felt really cared for by God, most obviously through the people that showed up for me when I (Really) needed it, I somehow managed to survive living in a town across the country this summer, where I don’t know the language (but a lot of people speak English), and feel completely at home. I still kinda can’t believe this truth, but remembering this in my weakest moments now is such a huge source of strength.

Apparently so much so that when the opportunity came to me recently to start my own therapy practice, a goal of mine that I thought I wouldn’t get close to for years and years and years from now… I decided to go for it. And It’s happening y’all.

Listen HERE for more of my thoughts on all of the above in the latest I Choose Grit podcast episode. 🙂

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