Take up your cross.
In the Catholic world, you hear a lot about carrying your cross. Offering things up. Approaching suffering in a way that allows it to be redemptive. But what does this mean, actually? I’ve been chewing on this a bit more…

What it Really Feels Like.
2024 Edit of this post: Republishing the post from 2019 below, which I revisited recently while doing some blog revamping. While rereading this, I was so struck by how normal my way of operating was to me at the time…a…

lessons from Lourdes // a whole new therapy practice
Some of you know this, and some may not (because it’s maybe been a bit since I’ve been here)– but apparently if you send a girl to Lourdes, she’ll come back ready to start her own therapy practice? I’ll be…

One Month as a European.
I’ve been living in Europe for one month. I’ve been living in Europe for one month? Time is flying and I don’t even know how that’s a thing, but whatta packed month of beauty it has been. Post-family wedding in…