
to the space to be honest about ways that life looks different.

Carrie has her Master’s in Social Work degree with a concentration in Behavioral Health. She has also dealt with radically life changing chronic health issues for over a decade. Drawing from both of these experiences, this is where Carrie writes about redefining disability, shares helpful tips for managing her pain, and honors stories of others choosing courage, resolve, and strength of character (ie; grit) while in the midst of suffering .


“Having a chronic illness has taught me there is joy in vulnerability and a beauty in sharing our suffering. It forces me, daily, to choose to believe the fact that I am loved for who I am and not what I do- that I still matter and my life still holds meaning when it constantly looks differently than I imagined it would be. It’s taught me to choose grit.”

Carrie Schuessler, APSW