An Unlikely Traveler.
traveling tips for those with chronic pain Somehow I’ve managed to leave the country three times over the past few years, with another trip on the horizon in just a few weeks. For someone with POTS and a chronic migraine,…
traveling tips for those with chronic pain Somehow I’ve managed to leave the country three times over the past few years, with another trip on the horizon in just a few weeks. For someone with POTS and a chronic migraine,…
As a spoonie/migrainer/potsie/whatever else you want to call someone who deals with chronic health issues, it’s taken a whole lot of experimenting to know what coping mechanisms out there work best when it comes to the physical, emotional, & spiritual…
2024 Edit of this post: Republishing the post from 2019 below, which I revisited recently while doing some blog revamping. While rereading this, I was so struck by how normal my way of operating was to me at the time…a…
Loneliness. It’s such a universal feeling, and one that, unfortunately, going through hard things tends to bring to the surface. My friend and nursing major, Kendal Lee, & I, both having experiences of chronic pain, are no stranger to this…
It’s not often that you confidently say yes to a (part-time) job when you have a chronic illness, but this week (after much time & discernment…& 8 months off work) I did just that, & I couldn’t be more thrilled….
HAPPY BDAY to my birthday buddy for life & todays podcast guest, Becca Syens! Becca’s a childhood friend I’ve know for life & I loved getting to sit down with her and pick her brain about her experience with Aplastic…
Despite our lives being completely. INSANE, Summer 2020 was an oddly sacred time to me in the midst of all the chaos. One of the greatest blessings? Prepping & recording a whole slew of podcast episodes to share with every…
Christmas for me in a nutshell: Jesus, puzzles, Little Women, burning cookies, fixing my broken car, basketball, catching up with friends from home, and…….PODCAST. What a blessed week celebrating a God that is born into the unexpected the same time…